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What is referencing and why is it important?

The set of papers, collection of published and unpublished sources which the researcher has studied and gone through to bolster the research work with adequate evidence are known as references. It is otherwise known as a list of cited references or bibliography. Every researcher or the student should present a list of papers, books, and other sources of data for their written assignments. This list should essentially include every source used in the thesis writing. The collection and the list of all the above mentioned sources and also the background reading constitute a bibliography. The part of one's research work that is entirely based on another's conclusion and research should be acknowledged. If the researcher fails to acknowledge the references, it may be considered as plagiarism. The quantity of reading and the nature of the sources are projected by references. It is vital to suggest or cite references or sources from which the reader can gain insight into what the researcher says with ease. The more accurate and detailed the source is, better the reader understands the information present in the assignment. These references serve as a basis for evaluation by the tutor or the research guide.

Services we offer:

Are you done with you research assignment? Are you boggled by the numerous references you had taken during your research? Are you not sure how to organize them according to your text? Don't worry we will help you organize them according to your text. We use various referencing styles to suit your needs.

Referencing Styles:

Over the years, there are some common styles of referencing and their various origins. To start off APA is the acronym for "American Psychological Association" and the name is from the association of the same name. This is used more commonly in journal genres such as social sciences, business, education, etc. The next is MLA that stems from "Modern Language Association of America" and is predominantly used in subjects of English and Humanities. Chicago is sometimes known as Turabian. This is derived from the "Chicago Manual of Style". This style of referencing is used more for social sciences that include political studies, theology, and history.

Vancouver style of reference originated from The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. This style is found predominantly in medical sciences

Vancouver originally came from The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors which produced the "Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals" following a meeting that was held in Vancouver in 1978 [Source: Jönköping University Library]. The Vancouver style is used mainly in the medical sciences.

What we do?
  • We format the entire document based on the type of format suggested by the university
  • We cross check the document for missing references
  • We format the bibliography using referencing manager tools.
  • We provide you with pdfs (for free access journals) and abstracts for all other articles cited.

Our Process

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