Addressing Reviewer Comments
Addressing Reviewer Comments
I have a rapid question for all of you out there. Are you presently working on a revise and resubmit process. Do you feel confident about the revised works and feel that you have dealt well with the addressing reviewer comments. But, are you unsure about one thing? As in the case of revise-and-resubmits, the editor motivated me to shortly explain in a separate document as to how the manuscript acknowledges the comments given by the reviewers. Here is an example that most of you can relate to as stated by our old customer. He stated that for his work, he had got a 7-8 pages long, single spaced, with comments not only from two different reviewers but also from the editor. Who particularly wanted to revise manuscript to evaluate certain factors?
The issue he was facing was that he claimed to have written answers to the comments given by the editor and the primary reviewer but not the second. On the other hand, the document is already about 6 pages long, which is not concise. He had written out to us saying, "What should I do now? , I don't want to instigate my editors or reviewers more by giving a similarly long writeup.
We offered him our premium R-n-R service in which we deal with different comments of the editors and try to trim the articles into a considerably smaller work. Our expert team does this by first acknowledging the comments given by the editors first, in order to be clear, but one of the reasons is that the document is too long.
It is compulsory to know that the revised paper that comes after review is usually 10-20% longer than the word limit given already. Hence, after paper submission, the comments received from the reviewers and editors add up to the word count and it can make it look longer than the original one.
Trimming the paper without losing vital information may be a tough task. Hence, transferring paragraphs here and there into the supplements may serve the purpose but may make it tougher to look for pertinent information.
Are there any rules to be followed on how willing journals might be to acknowledge papers more than the word limit after revisions? Or would just submitting the work with minor corrections to editor be a better strategy? Or this is a bad idea since it highly unlikely to be accepted or has a chance of irritating the writer. Have any of you experienced this?