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Proofreading Services

Proof Reading

Proofreading Services

Proofreading is the basic formulation designed to offer the customers an error-free document, our expert writing team not only corrects the errors but also looks into typos, errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation and even consistency.

We also offer specialized services in both scientific and academic proofreading for long documents such as thesis, project submissions, essays and dissertations too that are authored by all students and researchers.

For whom do we provide this service?
Proofreading is recommended for authors who:
  • Are confident that their document is well-formatted and written to perfection and only requires basic clean up and proofreading to enhance the quality and reduce errors
  • Have their document edited already and just want to perform a final and detailed check before their submission.
Quality assurance:

Our writing services have pledged to deliver high-quality documents to our customers. If a document is submitted for scientific proofreading, it usually needs a more detailed review and our editor shall then suggest a better editing method to ensure good quality.

What does our premium service consist of?

Our team offers your documents a complete check for all types of errors in grammar, typographical, punctuation, consistency and spelling too.

There are three basic steps while proofreading services:
  • Prior to proofreading
  • When you proofread the documents
  • When you want to learn more in detail about proofreading

Let us look at these steps in a more magnified manner:

Prior to proofreading:
  • Ensure to have gone through large chunks of the text and never make corrections at the level of word and sentence.
  • Try setting aside the text for reviewing aside for sometime because distance from the text will aid in identifying more mistakes. Try to eliminate irrelevant words before the next round of proofing.
While proofreading:
  • Know what to look for and where to look for. Work on a hard copy to ensure better quality of proofreading.
  • Reading out loudly is helpful to identify small and spotting run-on sentences too.
  • If the tendency is too high to make mistakes, check individually for every type of error, moving from the most important to least important and to follow whatever method best suits you.
  • Remember to end the proofreading services session by using a computer spelling checker or reading it in reverse to pick mistakes.
When You Want to Learn More in detail:
  • Do drop in to take a small sample session with our writing team and they also offer many workshops.
  • Use a standard grammar handbook for reference.
  • So what are you all waiting for? Have a document in hand to be submitted, doubtful about its quality, contact us we shall give you the best.

Our Process

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